Monthly Screenings

The Day After: Human Mobility in the 21st Century

06-10.03 |

Land of Dreams

Dir.: Shirin Neshat, Shoja Azari
| 113 minutes

As American borders close down, the daughter of Iranian exiles works as a dream catcher for the Census Bureau. What at first seems a whimsical mission is revealed as a plot to control the populace. Land of Dreams offers an intriguing exploration of identity, immigration, and freedom.


White Riot

Dir.: Rubika Shah
| 80 minutes

In the late 1970s, a group of extraordinary people and musicians, including The Clash, the Tom Robinson Band, and Joy Division, stood together against the rise of nationalism, racism, and hatred in Britain. This remarkable and historical moment is told through a wealth of archival footage, music, and interviews. 

Film and Talk

How Two Israeli Women Rescued a Group of Women from the Taliban

Following the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with filmmaker Roni Aboulafia and journalist Danna Harman on how, against all odds, they rescued a group of women from the Taliban. Moderator: Dr. Shai Tagner


Dir.: Wolfgang Fischer
| 94 minutes

A young European doctor’s voyage to the heart of the Atlantic is cut short when she encounters a boat overloaded with refugees. Styx is a unique, engrossing, refreshing, and effective film that takes a tough, yet not didactic, position on the West’s attitude toward the issue of refugees.

Talk and Performance

Cherubin Ngemba: A Remarkable Story

Cherubin Ngemba, a well-known musician in the Congo is an asylum seeker who runs a children's music school and frequently performs with his musical ensemble. Ngemba will perform and share his remarkable story. Free entrance  
Film and Talk

Preview Screening

Following the screening, recorded conversation with director Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Moderator: Netta Ahituv, Haartez


Dir.: Jonas Poher Rasmussen
| 90 minutes

Amin Nawabi, a 36-year-old high-achieving academic, grapples with a painful secret he has kept hidden for 20 years, one that threatens to derail the life he has built for himself. Retold through animation, Nawabi tells the story of his extraordinary journey as a child refugee from Afghanistan. 

Film and Talk
Following the screening, recorded conversation with Pulitzer Prize laureate Jose Antonio Vargas. Moderator: Netta Ahituv, Haaretz


Dir.: Jose Antonio Vargas
| 90 minutes

From an early age, Pulitzer prize laureate Jose Antonio Vargas has known that he was undocumented. He perceives himself as American, but in the eyes of the law, he is an illegal foreigner. This civic and personal journey explores the tension between borders and sovereignty and identity and belonging.

Film and Talk

The Times of Human Mobility: Borders and Migration Today

Prior to the screening panel discussion (in Heb.) with Dr. Shai Tagner, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Prof. Galia Zabar, Tel Aviv University, and Prof. Efrat Ben Zeev Ruppin Academic Center (30 min.)


Dir.: Ben Sharrock
| 104 minutes

Four asylum seekers are sent to a small Scottish island to await their cases. The passing time fuels their growing anxiety. Though the premise is dramatic, Limbo is "witty, poignant, marvellously composed and shot, moving and even weirdly gripping" (The Guardian).   

Film and Talk

Preview Screening

Following the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with director Eran Kolirin and casting director and actor Juna Suleiman 

Let It Be Morning

Dir.: Eran Kolirin
| 101 minutes

Sami lives in Jerusalem. An invitation to his brother’s wedding forces him to return to the Arabic village where he grew up. When the village is put under lock-down by Israeli soldiers, chaos rises. Trapped in an unexpected situation, Sami watches as everything falls apart.

Talk and Performance
Free Entrance

Social Enterprises for Children of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Conversation with Kai Jack, founder of The Dream Orchestra Jerusalem, and musical pieces by the children, followed by a conversation with Daniel Labin, Vice President, International Projects at Sesame Workshop. 
Film and Talk

On Detachment and Belonging Among Immigrant Children

Prior to the screening, panel discussion (in Heb.) with: Ruta Brahana, asylum seeker and activist, Ayala Shani, director of early childhood Mesila (30 min.)

Divine Daycare

Dir.: Roni Geffen
| 58 minutes

The movie follows a daycare center for the children of refugees in south Tel Aviv through the eyes of Lula, a captivating Eritrean girl and her teacher Blessing. The director is pulled into the complex reality of refugees in Israel. 


Mr. Bachmann and his Class

Dir.: Maria Speth
| 217 minutes

Mr. Bachmann and his Class is an intimate documentary portraying the bond between an elementary school teacher and his students. His unconventional teaching methods clash with the complex social and cultural realities of the provincial German industrial town in which they live.

Film, Talk, Performance

Neta Elkayam and Amit Haï Cohen in Conversation and Musical Pieces

Prior to the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with Neta Elkayam and Amit Haï Cohen and musical pieces by the duo

In Your Eyes, I See My Country

Dir.: Kamal Hachkar
| 75 minutes

Director Kamal Hachkar follows Israeli musicians Neta Elkayam and Amit Haï Cohen as they embark on an intense musical journey through Morocco in an attempt to trace their roots, wondering what it would take to mend their fragmented identities.  


I Never Cry

Dir.: Piotr Domalewski
| 98 minutes

17-year-old Ola sets out on an odyssey through the streets of Dublin to bring her father’s body back to Poland after he died in a work accident. I Never Cry is an exceptional work that takes us through an emotional roller coaster that plays on the heartstrings.  


Paper & Glue

Dir.: JR
| 94 minutes

Esteemed street artist JR turns the camera on his work as he builds some of his most monumental projects that are an inspiring demonstration of the artist's ability to demolish borders and grant a new, thought-provoking look at reality. The result is an exciting documentary that will capture your imagination.

Opening Event
Film and Talk

JR in Conversation

Following the screening conversation with renowned artist JR

Paper & Glue

Dir.: JR
| 94 minutes

Esteemed street artist JR turns the camera on his work as he builds some of his most monumental projects that are an inspiring demonstration of the artist's ability to demolish borders and grant a new, thought-provoking look at reality. The result is an exciting documentary that will capture your imagination.