Monthly Screenings
Dir.: Jose Antonio Vargas | 90 minutes

Other Screenings

Following the screening, recorded conversation with Pulitzer Prize laureate Jose Antonio Vargas. Moderator: Netta Ahituv, Haaretz

USA 2013 | 90 minutes | English, Tagalog, Spanish | Hebrew, English subtitles

At age 12, Jose Antonio Vargas was sent from the Philippines to live with his grandparents in California. He went to high school, received higher education, and became a Pulitzer prize journalist. Though he has immersed himself in the American way of life, he has known from an early age that his papers were forged. The chasm between how he perceives himself and his official status leads Vargas to campaign for others like him, 11 million undocumented people. This civic and personal journey explores the tension between borders and sovereignty and identity and belonging.