Monthly Screenings
How Two Israeli Women Rescued a Group of Women from the Taliban
Dir.: Wolfgang Fischer | 94 minutes

Other Screenings

Following the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with filmmaker Roni Aboulafia and journalist Danna Harman on how, against all odds, they rescued a group of women from the Taliban. Moderator: Dr. Shai Tagner

Germany, Austria 2018 | 94 minutes | English, German | Hebrew, English subtitles

Rike, a European doctor in her thirties, is determined and self-confident. Taking a much-needed vacation from her hectic routine in the emergency ward, she travels to Gibraltar where she realizes an old dream: To sail alone across the Atlantic to the volcanic island of Ascension. But Rike’s voyage is cut short when she comes across an overloaded, leaking refugee boat. Wolfgang Fischer’s work, featuring an extraordinary performance by Susanne Wolff, is a unique, engrossing, refreshing, and effective film that takes a tough, yet not didactic, position on the West’s attitude toward the issue of refugees.