Wednesday | 12.03.25

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Monthly Screenings

Osnat Trabelsi: A Tribute

Following the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with Osnat Trabelsi and Prof. Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin

Arna's Children

Dir.: Juliano Mer Khamis, Danniel Danniel
| 84 minutes

The Stone Theater was part of an alternative education program founded in the Jenin refugee camp by Arna Mer-Khamis. After Arna's death the theater closed and later the Israeli army invaded the camp. Juliano returns to the camp and discovers what happened to "Arna's children".

Red Fields

Dir.: Ayelet Heller
| 60 minutes

During one crucial year, Ayelet Heller accompanied the agricultural cycle of the growth of the only Palestinian product sold in the world. Imagine a story about hope, despair, occupation, globalization, and politics, and in the center lies a small red fruit - the strawberry.

Queen Khantarisha | Gole Sangam – The Stone Flower

Queen Khantarisha - The film explores the personal costs of straddling the ambitions of creative expression and the restraints of conservative communities that demand subservience | Gole Sangam - The film follows the lives of three elderly Iranian-Israeli women, revealing their arranged marriages and the oppression they suffered.

Body Edge

Dir.: Ayelet Heller
| 100 minutes
In modern affluent societies around the world, and Israel in particular, there is an intense-growing preoccupation with the body. The series Body Edge tells the story of Israeli society at a time when being obsessed with your body has become the new normal. 

From Russia with Love

Dir.: Shiri Shahar
| 55 minutes

With rare candor, adoptive parents speak about the adoption process, in an intimate, honest and thought-provoking manner. Three stories of journeys with moments of optimism, fear and elation.

Arabic Movie

Dir.: Eyal Sagui Bizawe, Sara Tsifroni
| 60 minutes

While wars were being waged on the frontiers, we sat at home, every Friday evening, to greet the Shabbath with the Arab Movie of the Week. Arab Movie takes us back to the fleeting moment when we shared the same cultural heroes as everyone else in the Middle East.