Wednesday | 12.03.25

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Dir.: Israela Shaer Meoded | Israel 2009 | 53 minutes | Hebrew

Amrani, a writer and lyricist of love songs, is behind some of the hottest hits at Yemeni clubs and weddings. The work of Bracha Seri, a Jerusalem-born religious poet and writer, touches upon demons, madness, rape, and rebellion and has garnered her community's denunciation. The film explores the personal costs of straddling the ambitions of creative expression and the restraints of conservative communities that demand subservience.

Dir.: Sarit Haymian | Israel 2007 | 54 minutes | Hebrew

Following the lives of Ilanit, Simcha and Na'ima - three elderly Iranian-Israeli women living in the Tel-Aviv neighborhood of Hatikva (literally hope). The film explores their arranged marriages and the oppression they suffered. Now, for the first time, the three dare to fulfill some of their youthful dreams - acting, dancing and singing in the neighborhood's old folks' center. Three strong women, still very vigorous, who in spite of their hardships have never stopped dreaming.