Monthly Screenings
I Never Cry
Dir.: Piotr Domalewski | 98 minutes

Other Screenings

Poland, Ireland 2020 | 98 minutes | Polish | Hebrew, English subtitles

While her father is working in Ireland, 17-year-old Ola has to take care of her family in Poland. Though he is far, he is still an emotional pillar in Ola's lonely existence. When she receives tragic news, Ola sets off on an odyssey through the streets of Dublin, where she will come to know a different world and meet people who will change her approach to life. I Never Cry is an exceptional drama that takes a story of immigration and family separation and adapts it into a coming-of-age movie centered on a determined protagonist growing up before our eyes. Zofia Stafiej's bare performance takes us through an emotional roller coaster that captures the heart.