Saturday | 01.03.25

Time Items
All day
Monthly Screenings
Tuesday | 28.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29
Monday | 27.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29

This production of The Sleeping Beauty has been delighting audiences in Covent Garden since 1946. 60 years later, the original staging was revived, returning Oliver Messel’s wonderful designs and glittering costumes to the stage. With Tchaikovsky’s enchanting score and Marius Petipa’s original choreography beautifully, this ballet is sure to cast its spell over anyone who sees it.

Tuesday | 28.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29
Tuesday | 28.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29
Monday | 27.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29
Monday | 27.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29

Parasite follows a poor family whose members infiltrate a wealthy family’s mansion until the plan goes awry. A sharp social satire dealing with a global social issue in an original and enlightening way, with a wellspring of creativity, and strokes of narrative and stylistic genius.

Tuesday | 14.01.20 to Monday | 28.01.30
Tuesday | 21.01.20 to Monday | 31.12.29

The film is based on the personal letters of Sigmund Freud, from his Jewish, through his childhood, and his family and work. The letters depict the family’s forced deportation from Austria and their experiences as exiles in London, where Freud passed away in 1939.

Tuesday | 21.01.20 to Tuesday | 29.01.30

Sid & Judy

50 years after Judy Garland’s tragic death, Jon Hamm and Jennifer Jason Leigh narrate and reenact Garland’s turbulent relationship with Sid Luft, her third husband. The film is punctuated with previously unpublished recordings, photographs, and excerpts from Garland’s shows.

Monday | 20.01.20 to Tuesday | 29.01.30
Tuesday | 21.01.20 to Tuesday | 29.05.29
Tuesday | 28.01.20 to Tuesday | 29.01.30
Tuesday | 21.01.20 to Tuesday | 30.01.29
Monday | 20.01.20 to Tuesday | 29.01.30
Monday | 27.01.20 to Thursday | 31.01.30