Festival del Cinema Italiano in Israele
The Cinema Italia program offers the viewers a close look at contemporary Italian cinema and an opportunity to watch the greatest Italian classics on the big screen.
The Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is proud to present the 6th edition of Cinema Italia, a major event in its 2019 cultural program, taking place under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Israel.
Cinema Italia 2019 is the result of the close and fruitful collaboration between ADAMAS Italia Israel, the Italian Cultural Institutes of Tel Aviv and Haifa, Istituto Luce Cinecittא and the Cinematheques of Israel.
Special thanks to Foundation Italy-Israel for Culture and Art.
We wish to thank Monica Moscato – Filmitalia, Paola Ruggiero – Cinecittא Luce, Carmen Accaputo – Cineteca Bologna, Tina Martelloni e Gualtiero Rosella. Netflix, Italia
Ronny Fellus and Dan Angelo Muggia, Artistic Directors