Saturday | 29.03.25

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Monthly Screenings

From Austria to Israel: Program Exchange

We are delighted to present, in partnership with the Austrian Cultural Forum in Tel Aviv, Zukunfts Fonds, Film Museum Vienna, and Moviemento, a program exchange with the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Cinematheques. For one week programmers from Vienna and Linz have curated a program showcasing Austrian cinema especially for the Israeli audience

Short introduction by Paul Ploechl, programmer at Moviemento & City-Kino Linz and Alessandra Thiele, deputy director at Filmmuseum Vienna

You Will Never Understand

Dir.: Anja Salomonowitz
| 52 minutes

These are the stories of three women, who belong to what is historically referred to as the generation of perpetrators and victims. With their different stories of life, different narrations and memories they all belong to one family, the director’s family. 


Dir.: Michael Glawogger
| 107 minutes

Michael Glawogger’s heart’s project representing his dream of starting a project without a predetermined topic and therefore document all the incredible things that happen to him on such a journey. A voyage of discovery, full of amazing sequences.

The Paper Bridge

Dir.: Ruth Beckermann
| 95 minutes

A journey through Ruth Beckermann’s venture through her own family’s history, at the same time telling the story of Central European Jews and of a region. By combining history with personal stories, Beckermann divulges questions of identity that give rise to paradoxes. 

The Trial

Dir.: Georg Wilhelm Pabst
| 108 minutes

The death of a young girl in 19th century Hungary is framed as a blood libel. The Jews are put on trial, while their lawyer does everything in his power to acquit them. The Trial, is considered G. W. Pabst’s “rehabilitation project” in regard to his work under the Nazi regime.

Introductory remarks: Alessandra Thiele, Deputy Director, Austrian Film Museum

Welcome in Vienna

Dir.: Axel Corti
| 121 minutes

In Part 3 of the Where to and Back: Welcome in Vienna trilogy, two Viennese Jews who emigrated to the USA and as members of the US army were sent back to Western, return to their home in Vienna, but no longer sure they belong there.