Tuesday | 11.02.25

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Monthly Screenings
Leadership in Times of Crisis
Angela Merkel – The Unexpected
Dir.: Torsten Körner, Matthias Schmidt | 90 minutes

Other Screenings

20:30 How do leaders perform during times of crisis? What is the role of state leaders at such an hour? The pandemic has become a kind of touchstone for leadership that following the leaderships of Jacinda Ardern, Tsai Ing-wen, and Angela Merkel, provides new archetypes for leadership in the 21st century.

In conversation: Prof. Ngaire Woods Founding Dean, School of Government and Professor of Global Economic Governance, University of Oxford, and Dr. Philipp Roesler Former Minister of Finance & Vice Chancellor of Germany, medical doctor and advisor to the Vietnamese government

Moderated by: Dafna Maor, World Business Editor, TheMarker, Haaretz Columnist

To view thw discussion>>>

21:15 Aluf Benn, Editor-in-Chief, Haaretz, in conversation with Netta Ahituv, Haaretz, on fluctuations in world powers. Is the United States losing power, while China is gaining it? Which countries will it be interesting to follow in the coming years and what will stop the deterioration of EU's power?

To view the discussion>>>

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The film will be available to watch for one week (until 24.06 20:30)

The film is only available to watch in Israel.

The event will start at the set time detailed above and is free-of-charge

Germany 2015 | 90 minutes | German, English | Hebrew, English subtitles

For the past 15 years of global upheaval, while Europe faces economic and financial crises, Angela Merkel has become an esteemed leader in an era of populism, successfully strengthening Germany’s stability and prosperity. This documentary follows Merkel’s political rise from a young scientist from East Germany, all the way to the Chancellor’s office. The Unexpected is a fascinating portrait, rich with archival footage and interviews, offering a rare opportunity to learn a thing or two about Merkel’s understated power, the way in which she balances her steps between conflicting forces and her ability to navigate between those forces to achieve her goals.