Tuesday | 11.03.25

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Rage and Glory
Dir.: Avi Nesher | 103 minutes

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Following the screening, a conversation between director Avi Nesher and film critic Yair Rave (Cinemascope)

Israel 1984 | 103 minutes | Hebrew, English | Hebrew, English subtitles

A new digitally remastered version of Avi Nesher's masterpiece "Rage And Glory" which was produced by the Israel Film Archive's Digital Lab.

Nesher's stunningly unique film language shapes anew the Zionist mythology, as it tells the story of Eddy The Butcher, an avowed anarchist and Stern Gang hitman who is sent to Jerusalem to plot the assassination of a senior British officer. Eddy's arrival creates much tension within the already troubled cell and almost brings about its collapse, as the British counter terrorist operatives are closing in.

More than three decades after its original release, it is now clear that "Rage And Glory" was way ahead of its time, both cinematically and thematically .

Yair Raveh on the film