Monday | 03.02.25

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Monthly Screenings

June 29 to July 8, 1989

Opening Film: Splendor by Ettore Scola

45000 spectators, 120 films, 60 Israeli films

Guests: Mona Gamal el-din, Ildiko Enyedi, Chantal Akerman, Grazyna Szapolowska, Albert Johnson, Derek Malcolm, Srdjan Karanovic, Gerhard Sceumann, Jean-Claude Brisseau, Lino Brocka, Ivan Nitchev, Marina Goldovskaya, Fiorella Infascelli, Mark Shivas

Israeli Cinema
First year of the Wolgin Awards

Best Israeli Feature:

Green Fields by Isaac Zepel Yeshuron

Best Short Film:

No Te Metas by Jorge Johanan Weller
Shelter by Rashid Masharawi

Other Israeli titles include:
A Voyage with Vladimir Vissotsky by Ilana Zolotar
Braids by Yitzhak Haloutzi
Streets of Yesterday by Yehuda Judd Ne'eman
Hugo by Yair Lev
End of the Oranges Season by Lihi Hanoch

Important Titles:
The Decalogue by Krzysztof Kieslowski
Hamlet Goes Business by Aki Kaurismaki
American Stories by Chantal Akerman
Women's Affair by Claude Chabrol
Days of Darkness by Alexander Sokurov
As Tears Go By by Wong Kar-wai
Speaking Parts by Etom Egoyan
Jesus de Montreal by Denys Arcand
Resurrected by Paul Greengrass
New York Stories by Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola & Woody Allen