Wednesday | 18.12.24

Monthly Screenings
Wednesday | 17.07.19 to Tuesday | 29.05.29
Monday | 15.07.19 to Monday | 31.12.29
Sunday | 21.07.19 to Monday | 31.12.29
Tuesday | 09.07.19 to Monday | 31.12.29
Saturday | 06.07.19 to Monday | 31.12.29
Sunday 28.07.19 | 21:30

In his powerful and clever performance, Tom Aharon one of the most prominent young voices on the local standup scene, tackles current affairs, embarrassing subjects, and all that is considered provincial in our public and private lives.

Saturday | 06.07.19 to Monday | 25.06.29
Saturday | 06.07.19 to Monday | 31.12.29
Saturday | 06.07.19 to Wednesday | 23.06.27
Monday | 22.07.19 to Tuesday | 31.07.29
Monday | 22.07.19 to Tuesday | 31.07.29
Monday | 22.07.19 to Tuesday | 31.07.29
Saturday | 06.07.19 to Monday | 31.12.29