Friday | 18.10.24

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Art & Brain Week


Researchers from various fields, among them theoreticians, computer scientists, cognitive psychologists, biologists and medical researchers work together at The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The multidisciplinary research at ELSC leads to new insights on the relationship between “matter” and “mind,” free will, consciousness and numerous questions on the fundamental nature and uniqueness of human beings. The Art and Brain Week strengthens the bonds between the community and the academia and raises public awareness of the importance of brain research.

Music and Brain – The Surprising Link

Speaker (in Heb.): Prof. Israel Nelken, The Hebrew UniversityWhat is music? Why is it so influential? And why is the brain so sensitive to it?

La La Land

Dir.: Damien Chazelle
| 128 minutes

With mesmerizing performances and homages to the most loved musicals, Damien Chazelle gifts us with one of the best and most enchanting films of the year, a musical of pure delight that will make your heart soar. 

Between Pleasure and Pain: What Do Expressions Express?

Speaker (in Heb.): Dr. Hillel Aviezer, The Hebrew UniversityDo facial expressions expose our inner feelings? Lecture combined with a performance by the Scapino Theater Company


Dir.: Josh Kriegman, Elyse Steinberg
| 96 minutes

Weiner is a tragedy-comedy documentary unveiling the behind the scenes of American politics. The result is a tremendous, funny, shocking, and unforgettable drama. 

The Deciding Brain

Speaker (in Heb.): Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein, The Hebrew UniversityWhat happens in our brain once we make a decision and what happens after.


Dir.: Clint Eastwood
| 96 minutes

In 2009 Captain Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger made an emergency landing on the Hudson River. Though his heroic act saved the life of everyone on board, his actions came under fire. Masterful Clint Eastwood presents an effective, unassuming, and exceptional drama.

Ethiopia – a Journey into Blindness

Speaker (in Heb.): Prof. Udi Zohary, The Hebrew UniversityLessons to be learned from vision recovery following prolonged blindness from birth.

Notes on Blindness

Dir.: Peter Middleton, James Spinney
| 90 minutes

An extraordinary documentary featuring Theologian, John Hall who, from 1983-1986, had recorded a series of audio diaries documenting his descent into blindness. The film combines the recordings with interviews and stunning reconstructions which reveal a sharp, fascinating and sensitive man.  

What Makes the Computer Laugh?

Speaker (in Heb.): Dr. Dafna Shahaf, The Hebrew UniversityHow we taught a computer to judge the humorousness of cartoons


Improvised comedy show with Dvir Benedek, Tomer Sharon, Hila Di Castro and Eran Ivanir

Israel’s leading comedians in an improvisational show. The audience challenges the artists with various situations, characters and themes, the group improvises stand-up routines, skits and even songs. Some members of the audience are invited on stage. 

Three-Dimensional Vision: How the Brain Perceives Depth?

Speaker (in Heb.): Adi Kol, The Hebrew UniversityThe various components of the visual system and focus on depth perception in the brain. Event for the whole family

The LEGO Batman Movie

Dir.: Chris McKay
| 100 minutes

When a colossal disaster threatens Gotham City, even Batman has to find a way to play nice with others so he can be a hero. A fun, quick paced, creative, and somewhat wild animated feature that will entertain kids of all ages.