Saturday | 22.03.25

Monthly Screenings

The Fall of the American Empire

Dir.: Denys Arcand
| 129 minutes

young philo-sopher staggers onto the scene of a crime gone wrong. When he finds sacks containing millions of dollars, he has to decide whether to take the contents or leave them behind. Denys Arcand’s new film offers a witty look at the domination of money in modern society. 

Jojo Rabbit

Dir.: Taika Waititi
| 108 minutes

Jojo aspires to be an upstanding member of the Hitler Youth and Adolf H. is his imaginary friend. But when he discovers a Jewish girl hiding in his house, Jojo will have to face who he truly is. A surprising film full of twists and turns. 

Richard Jewell

Dir.: Clint Eastwood
| 131 minutes

Richard Jewell became a national hero after he discovered a bomb at the 1996 Olympic Games. But when the FBI makes him the prime suspect in the incident, Jewell’s life drastically changes. “A good story is a good story, and Eastwood knows how to tell a good story” (Variety).


Dir.: Ritesh Batra
| 100 minutes

A struggling street photographer in Mumbai sends his grandmother a photo he took of a random woman and tells her she is his fiancée. But when she insists on meeting this woman, life becomes complicated. Photograph is “a lovely, charming and gently transporting journey” (Los Angeles Times).

The Dead of Jaffa

Dir.: Ram Loevy
| 96 minutes

Three children from the West Bank are smuggled into Israel. They arrive at the home of George and Rita, Israeli Palestinians living in Jaffa. A foreign film is being shot nearby. When the two stories intertwine, tensions erupt.

The Farewell

Dir.: Lulu Wang
| 98 minutes

A Chinese family discovers their grandmother has only a short while left to live and decide to keep her in the dark, scheduling a wedding to gather before she dies. A critically-acclaimed, intelligent, touching, and humorous drama.

The Whistlers

Dir.: Corneliu Porumboiu
| 98 minutes

Corneliu Porumboiu’s new film follows a Romanian cop with ties to the local mafia. When a young woman recruits him for an unusual task, he finds himself trapped between the police, mafia, and his feelings. A pulsing, precise work.