Monthly Screenings
Mother V | Friendship

Other Screenings

Screening in the presence of Levana Finkelstein

Dir.: Shahar RozenIsrael 200152 minutesHebrew

A religious woman in her 60s leaves Dimona to visit her son who is locked up in solitary confinement, charged with revealing state secrets. She sets out, despite family opposition, to bring her son to apologize to his father who is lying in intensive care.

Dit.: Levana FinkelsteinIsrael 201145 minutesHebrew, BulgarianHebrew subtitles

The film follows the personal story of Levana Finkelshtein in her attempt to create and donate a statue called "Friendship" in order to thank the Bulgarian people for preserving Bulgarian Jewry in World War II, despite being an ally of Germany. Interwoven in the film are childhood stories about this small nation that proved to the "enlightened" world that it was also possible otherwise.