Saturday | 01.02.25

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Jerusalem-Lodz: A Rhythm of Two Cities
80 minutes

Israel, Poland 2019 | 80 min. | Hebrew & Polish, English subtitles

Prod.:  Omri Levy, The Ma'aleh Film School, Jerusalem; Marcin Malatynski, Dagna Kidon, The Lodz Film School, Poland | Mentors:  Ron Ofer, Martin Rath | Ed.: Tamar Gan-Zvi | Directors: Arik Kaufman, Hilel Rate, Lihi Sabag, Shira Meishar, Hai Afik, Maciej Bialoruski, Zuzanna Slawinska, Jan Bujnowski, Robert Rawluszewicz, Jakub Drobczynski

How is the city of Lodz in Poland perceived through the eyes of the Jerusalemites? And how do we appear in their eyes?

A joint project of the Ma'aleh Film School in Jerusalem and the Film School in Lodz. Five young directors from each school embarked on a documentary journey and tried to capture the other city with a brief and unique look. The looks range from the exotic to the political, the familiar to the foreign, the common to the charged. The resulting montage allows us to reflect on the nature of the cinematic gaze, to ask what we look like from the outside, and how we see what is rooted in our shared past.

The Lodz Film School is active for more than seventy years, and among its famous alumni are Roman Polanski, Krzysztof Kislovsky, and Andrzej Vida.