Sunday | 09.03.25

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Hareidi Documentary Cinema

Graduates of the third class of the Filmmaking Track for Ultra-Orthodox Women at The Maaleh School of Film and Television present their new documentaries, which share their personal stories from inside the Haredi world.

Time for The Chupah | Director: Hodaya Shama | 5 minutes | 34 year old Racheli cannot find “the one”. Her niece’s marriage offers an opportunity for self-examination.

Mother Magie | Director: Shelley Cohen | 8 minutes | A single mother, who paints as therapy, talks with her soon-to-be-married granddaughter.

One Heart | Director: Hodaya Heller | 10 minutes | Grandpa and grandma are separated when grandpa moves to a nursing home, but grandma tries to keep in touch.

What Will You Tell Him | Director: Avital Sharon | 11 minutes | Organ donation is a great mitzvah – but what if the donor is Jewish and the recipient is Druze?

Lazer House | Director: Esti Kroyzer  | 11 minutes | How to manage a houseful of kids together with a career is a question asked by every Haredi woman.

Bnei Brak Through My Eyes | Director: Miriam Haskel  |10 minutes | Bnei Brak is a colorful city full of surprises – but not in the eyes of Miriam, this film’s director.

Miriam's Emptiness | Director: Tamar Fachter  | 6 minutes | Miriam’s house is a haven for singles looking for a match – but what happens when Miriam is left alone?

A Good Point | Director: Idit Azawi  | 8 minutes | A believer in “all of Israel” explains his way of life and philosophy to his daughter.

The Cholent Group | Director: Miriam Betzalel | 11 minutes | The Friday night cholent meal is no longer for the boys only. A group of girls meet for cholent.