Monday | 10.03.25

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IN JACKSON HEIGHTS / בג'קסון הייטס

In Jackson Heights
Dir.: Frederick Wiseman | 181 minutes

In Jackson Heights

USA 2015 | 181 minutes | English, Spanish, Arabic | English, Hebrew subtitles

Jackson Heights in Queens, New York, is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse neighborhoods in the US and indeed the world. With 167 spoken languages, it is home to immigrants from Latin America, Pakistan, India and China. Some are citizens, some hold green cards, while others are undocumented.

Almost 50 years after Wiseman's first film (Titicut Follies, showing at the festival), the documentarian continues to refine his signature: a location documented over time, through many characters, without narration or interviews. His 40th film examines a fascinating neighborhood and raises piercing questions on integration, assimilation, immigration and cultural and religious differences.