Tuesday | 04.03.25

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E. T. – The Extra Terrestrial
Dir.: Steven Spielberg | 115 minutes

E. T. – The Extra Terrestrial

USA 1982 | 115 minutes | English | Hebrew subtitles

Steven Spielberg's masterpiece about a young boy who, one day, finds an alien forgotten by his friends on Earth. He names the strange creature E.T., and a brave friendship that does not require any words forms between the two. From here on, the two will do everything to get E.T. back home. There are not enough words to describe this brilliant film that manages to convey the anxieties of childhood in such a profound and accurate way - about the longing for home, warmth, and love. Even four decades on, this is still an exhilarating, magical, heartwarming and poignant work. In short: don't miss it.