Monday | 23.09.24

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Monthly Screenings
Moving On
Dir.: Maya McManus Ronen | 72 minutes

Other Screenings

Israel 2022 | 72 minutes | Hebrew | English subtitles
In Kibbutz Naut-Smadar, an alternative community in the heart of the desert, as part of the special way of life of the place, an event called 'transitions' takes place every few years - in which, for a month in the summer, everyone renovates and changes houses. No one knows in advance which house they will move to and everyone finds out together in one festive evening. By choice, the entire community enters a personal and turbulent journey in which packing the physical house and renovating the houses parallels a journey of observation, into their inner world and together questions about existential aspects of life emerge. The story of the 'transitions' touches on the essence of this unique community and on human nature, which searches for a sense of home and inner freedom.