Monthly Screenings
F for Fake
Dir.: Orson Welles | 89 minutes

Other Screenings

France, Iran, West Germany 1973 | 89 minutes | English, French, Spanish | Hebrew, English subtitles

Orson Welles’ last film is built around material shot by documentarist Francois Reichenbach, about the Howard Hughes mystery, the forger Elmer de Hory and the fake biography written by Clifford Irving. It soon becomes clear, however, that Welles himself is the central character. 

The movie F for fake! was restored by Les Films de l'Astrophore and La Cinémathèque française in collaboration with Documentaire sur grand écran, the Swiss Cinematheque and the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco and with the support of the Neuflize OBC Foundation and the Hiventy laboratory.

The image and sound restoration work was carried out at the Hiventy laboratory using the original negative and at Studio L.E. Diapason using the 35 mm magnetic tracks
