Wednesday | 05.03.25

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Monthly Screenings
Gypsy Music in Hungary: From the Village to the Café
The Gypsy Influence
Dir.: Janos Darvas | 52 minutes

Other Screenings

Concert performed by: Lili Fundák Kaszai singer (guest from Hungary), Gergely Barcza wind instruments, Noé Barcza percussion, Nitzan Peri guitar, Agi Pettik traditional percussion instruments

Lecture by: Chana Englard

In the program: Gypsy music in its various forms

Hungary 2020 | 52 minutes | English, Hungarian | Hebrew, English subtitles

The Gypsy Influence explores the tremendous influence of so-called Gypsy music on classical composers from Haydn to Beethoven, Schubert and Brahms, to Lehár and Kálmán, Ligeti and Kurtág, and portrays past and present Gypsy bands. The film's protagonists Barnabás Kelemen and Lajos Sárközi Jr., both world-renowned violinists from musical families with a long tradition, reveal to us the inspiring influence of Gypsy music on their lives. We accompany them to rehearsals and concerts, see them play with friends and family and learn more about their musical ancestry. The film oscillates between the vibrance of contemporary artists and the history of composers and musicians with Hungarian roots such as Franz Liszt and Béla Bartók, and highlights the important role of Gypsy music and its influence across the centuries.
