Monthly Screenings
Arna's Children
Dir.: Juliano Mer Khamis, Danniel Danniel | 84 minutes

Other Screenings

Following the screening, conversation (in Heb.) with Osnat Trabelsi and Prof. Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin

Israel, Netherlands 2003 | 84 minutes | Arabic | Hebrew subtitles

Yussuf carried out a suicide bombing in Hadera in 2001. Ashraf was killed by the Israeli army in the battle in the Jenin refugee camp. Ala lead the Al Aqsa Brigades in Jenin until he was killed in November 2002. These young men all participated in the "stone theater", part of an alternative education program founded in the Jenin refugee camp by Arna Mer-Khamis during the first intifada. Arna's son, Juliano, joined his mother in the work with the children in the camp and became the theater's director. During his years in the camp he documented his mother and the children of the theater. After Arna's death the theater closed. Seven years later the Israeli army invaded the Jenin refugee camp. A few days after the curfew let up, Juliano returned to the camp to rejoin Ala, who was then leading a group of fighters. During his stay at the camp, Juliano discovers the tragic destiny of "Arna's children".