Monday | 10.03.25

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Interfaith Films 2019


Dir.: Zaza Urushadze
| 102 minutes

1919. A small village in Ukraine settled by German farming families. In the wake of World War I and the Russian Revolution, this is a period of great upheaval and religious division, yet young Anton, a German Catholic, and Jakob, a Russian Jew, are inseparable friends. 


Beyond the Music - Barenboim Said Academy

Dir.: David Berney
| 52 minutes

Berlin’s Barenboim-Said Academy, home of the West–Eastern Divan Orchestra, has marked a precedent within political and musical education. This innovative academy – derived from the friendship between maestro Daniel Barenboim and Professor Edward Said – whose mission it is to unite humanistic ideals, music, and philosophy.

Breaking Bread

Dir.: Beth Elise Hawk
| 85 minutes

Dr. Nof Atamna-Ismaeel – the first Muslim Arab to win MasterChef – is on a quest to make social change through food. And so, she founded the A-sham Arabic Food Festival, where Arab and Jewish chefs collaborate on dishes. A film about hope and synergy.


Dir.: Isaac Cherem
| 95 minutes

Ariela is an independently-minded artist living with her family in a Jewish neighborhood of Mexico City. Pressured to find an appropriate suitor, serendipity leads to Ivan, a non-Jewish writer who shows her a world of possibilities. 

The Rabbi Goes West

Dir.: Gerald Peary, Amy Geller
| 78 minutes

A complex portrait on one Chabad rabbi, Chaim Bruk, who moved from Brooklyn to unlikely Bozeman, Montana, to bring his brand of Judaism to the American West. As he travels across this landscape, Chaim confronts neo-Nazi threats and faces objections to his proselytizing from other Jews.