Thursday | 06.02.25

Monthly Screenings
From Silence to Voice: Silence, Silencing and the Power of the Word
She Said
Dir.: Maria Schrader | 128 minutes

Other Screenings

In collaboration with The Clinical Legal Education Center at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Following the screening, opening remarks and panel discussion (in Heb.)


USA 2022 | 128 minutes | English | Hebrew subtitles

In 2017, The New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor set out to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct in Hollywood. They stumble into an enquiry about powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and how he exploited his economic and public influence to hide cases of assault against many women who worked with him. Maria Schrader leads us through the plot twists as in a detective thriller that culminates in the testimonies of the heroines of the case - women who overcame their fear and dared to testify about the assaults. The plot structure is reminiscent of the great classic All the President's Men, and She Said is no less triumphant: the script is fast-paced, the cast is superb, and the direction effective. On the backdrop of the #MeToo movement - which was one of the outcomes of this story - and the backlash it provokes, She Said simply reminds us what side is the right one. In short? Do not miss.