Tuesday | 11.03.25

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Monthly Screenings

Avi Nesher: A Tribute

The Searchers

Dir.: John Ford
| 121 minutes

Ethan Edwards comes home from war to find that his whole family has been killed, except his young niece, kidnapped by the Indians and sets out to find her. Ford's use of open vistas, pacing, and the Wayne’s presence form one of the greatest films ever made.

The Conformist

Dir.: Bernardo Bertolucci
| 108 minutes

Adapted from Alberto Moravia's novel about a man who, as a result of a murder he thinks he committed as a youth, strives to blend into society. He offers his services to the Fascist Party for whom he is asked to assassinate his former professor. 


Dir.: Gabrielle Salvatores
| 110 minutes

Salvatores' third film takes eight Italian soldiers to a Greek island at the beginning of WWII. The soldiers gradually feel at home in this Mediterranean paradise. Mediterraneo is a delightful, lighthearted, sexy comedy....

The Battle of Algiers

Dir.: Gillo Pontecorvo
| 118 minutes

In quasi-documentary style, Italian director Pontecorvo presents the guerilla war for Algerian Independence from the French in 1954, through the eyes of some of the participants.


Dir.: Warren Beatty
| 196 minutes

Warren Beatty's film about the life of journalist John Reed, one of the founding members of the American Communist Party. With utter skillfulness, Beatty uses the cinematic scope to develop the characters and their relationships and uses the exceptional cast to deliver this unforgettable historic epic.